
At Emory, professor or instructor is preferred whenever possible.

> See also: professor

telephone numbers

> See: numbers


> See: TV


Another dangling modifier, often used in sentences like this: "Thankfully, the rain waited until after my wedding day." If you want to convey that you, rather than the rain, were thankful, revise one of two ways:

  • I was thankful the rain waited until after my wedding day. OR
  • Thankfully, I marveled that the rain had waited until after my wedding day.

> See also: hopefully | importantly | dangling modifiers

that/who v. which/who

Restrictive clauses: That (or who, for persons) identifies which one and does not need a comma.

  • A corporation that works with Emory will never regret that association.
  • My brother who works in Toledo came home for the holidays. (In this example, the 'who' tells which brother, the one who works in Toledo.)

Nonrestrictive clauses: Which (or who, for persons) identifies information that is not essential to the sentence and is separated by a comma.

  • My new Cadillac, which has a sunroof and an MP3 player, is the most luxurious car I've ever driven.
  • My oldest brother, who works in Toledo, came home for the holidays. (In this example, the sentence's subject tells us which one because the writer can have only one oldest brother. The information about Toledo therefore is not necessary to the meaning of the sentence.)


If you're wondering whether to place this article before the name of one of Emory's centers, colleges, and schools, honor the institution's preference. Unless it's the first word in a sentence, don't capitalize the.

BUT The Coca-Cola Company

> See: school names (Emory Specifics)

theater, theatre

Use theater except for proper names of theaters that spell themselves theatre.

We enjoyed our trip to the theater.
Theater Emory has joined with the Alliance Theatre to produce two original plays next season.

the fact is . . .

A bad beginning. If you know the fact, simply state it.

their, they're, there

Their indicates possession, they're is a contraction for they are, and there is an adverb that reveals location.

They're proud of their new car that is parked over there.

there is, there are

Whenever possible, avoid using either of these weak constructions at the beginning of a sentence.


The pronoun this, used to refer to the complete sense of a preceding sentence or phrase, can't always carry the weight and so may produce an imprecise statement. Avoid letting 'this' stand alone at the beginning of a sentence, clause, or phrase; and never let it stand alone at the beginning of a paragraph.

NOT This is an excellent value.
BUT This program provides excellent value.


Note spelling. Do not use the colloquial short form, "thru."


> See: a.m., p.m. | dates

time zones

Capitalize the full name of the time in force within a particular zone, for example, Eastern Standard Time, and Central Standard Time.

When you're citing clock time in a particular time zone, abbreviate and punctuate as follows:

noon EST
9 a.m. CST.

titles of conferences, seminars, and meetings

Capitalize all the principal words in the full titles of conferences and meetings. Do not italicize or put in quotes.

We will attend the American Lung Association's 2012 International Conference on Cancer.
James Wagner is the keynote speaker at the International Conference on Education.
BUT The tax conference ends on Thursday.

titles of people

In general, follow Chicago Manual of Style for titles appearing in Emory publications and websites.

> See also: religious titles | capitalization

titles of works

Use italics for books, plays, newspapers, periodicals, movies, TV and radio shows, and titles of photographs and art exhibitions. Because italics can become garbled online, quotes may be considered an alterative form of presentation.

Capitalize the first and last words and all the principal words, including prepositions and conjunctions of five or more letters. Lowercase "a," "the," "and," "or," "for," "nor," prepositions of less than five letters, and the "to" in infinitives. Don't lowercase parts of speech other than those listed here—even if they're less than five letters.

Free to Be, You and Me
Butterflies Are Free

The Odyssey
Cousin, Cousine

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
All Things Considered

For stories, songs, articles, chapters, speeches, and poems, use quotation marks instead of italics and capitalize as above. Note: Long poems take the italic form.

"The Gift of the Magi"
"The Robber Bridegroom"

"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening"

BUT Beowulf

For papers, theses, dissertations, and other unpublished works, use quotations and capitalize as above.

> See: magazine names | newspaper names

transgender, trans (adj.)

Identify people as transgender or trans only if pertinent and generally avoid references to a person's birth sex when you do. It's acceptable to use trans on second reference. Do not use either word as a noun by, for example, referring to someone as "a transgender." Do not use the term transgendered or transsexual, which is outdated. Avoid offensive terms such as tranny. Use the name the transgender person now lives by and use their prior name (i.e., deadname) only if necessary and relevant.

Alex is a transgender man.
Stephanie is transgender.

> See: gender-inclusive language | sexual orientation and gender identity or expression | inclusive language